SERVPRO of Media

Damage Restoration Company Explains Common Sources of Foul Odors in the Home
Monday, August 22nd 2022, 4:00 AM

Common Causes of Household Odors and How a Restoration Company Can Help Overcome the Smell

Folsom, United States - August 22, 2022 / SERVPRO of Media /

The team of IICRC-certified professionals at SERVPRO of Media, PA, utilizes the latest equipment, advanced moisture-detecting technology, and cutting-edge cleaning techniques and products to provide cleaning and mold remediation services. These tools give technicians a solid advantage when addressing foul odors in the home.


Common Sources of Foul Odors in a Home

Household odors are annoying, embarrassing, and sometimes even cause health effects. The foul smells alert the homeowner to situations that need immediate attention for the happiness and health of the home. Here are seven common sources of bad odors in Broomall, PA, homes.

1. Mold

Mold is one of the most common causes of foul odors in the home. Signs of mold include black, green, or bronze stains on walls, ceilings, and cabinets. The telltale sign of mold is the distinctive musty smell.

Tip: The first step in addressing a mold issue is to identify and resolve any moisture issues. Leaky pipes must be repaired. Exhaust fans in the bathrooms and kitchen must be functional and adequate to remove excessive moisture. A home dehumidifier may need to be installed to reduce overall air moisture, and the crawl space may need to be encapsulated with a moisture barrier. A sump pump and a dehumidifier can eliminate moisture in the basement and crawl space.

2. Natural Gas

Natural gas may be causing a foul odor in the home. The rotten-egg smell is added as a safety precaution since natural gas is odorless.

Tip: If the smell of gas is detected, inspect the stove and any pilot lights for leaks. Open doors and windows to allow fresh air into the home, and call the utility company or a professional for assistance. Take all necessary safety precautions, including evacuating the house.

3. Sewer Odors

If there is a sulfuric or rotten-egg smell in the home, the source may be one or more unused sinks in the guest bathroom. Drains have a u-shaped joint just below the drain hole. The curved pipe captures water which acts as a seal to prevent noxious odors from the sewer or septic tank from seeping into the home. If the water is not replenished by occasional usage, evaporation will eventually eliminate the barrier and allow the offensive odors to escape into the house.

Tip: Recharge the water in the u-shaped joint every week. The water will also serve to flush any organic matter through the system, reducing odors in the bathroom.

4. Pet Smells

Pet odors can be a real nuisance. “Accidents” on the floor or furniture, wet fur, glandular emissions, pet bedding, and whatever is on their paws from the yard or pasture are sources of pet odors.

Tip: Regular baths and grooming will take care of pet odors at the source: the pet. Carpets, area rugs, flooring, furniture, and pet bedding need to be cleaned several times a year to reduce odors.

5. Smoke Smells

Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe is obvious upon entering a home. The smell is everywhere. Tobacco smoke coats flat surfaces and penetrates porous materials such as upholstery, curtains, clothing, and carpet. The lingering odor is challenging to remove. The nicotine and other chemicals are also known as third-hand smoke.

Tip: Removal of cigarette smoke requires a whole-house approach. All surfaces must be washed with a safe, effective cleaning product. Rubber gloves, protective eyewear, a mask, long sleeves, and long pants are necessary to protect against nicotine poisoning. Walls and ceilings may need to be sealed with a high-quality stain- and odor-blocking primer before applying paint.

6. The Kitchen Trash Can

Household garbage can produce strong, disgusting smells that contaminate the home.

Tip: Solutions include using a kitchen trash can with a lid. Use a plastic bag in the can to keep the inside of the trash can clean. Empty the trash regularly. Avoid putting scraps and grease in the garbage. Sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the can to absorb odors. Wash the can with an all-purpose cleaner or a bleach solution to remove grime and kill bacteria.

7. Decaying Animals

Something as small as a decaying tiny mouse can create a strong, pungent odor that can make a home uninhabitable. A dead animal in the crawl space, in the attic, or between walls can be difficult to find and remove.

Tip: Professional services may be needed to locate the issue, clean it up, sanitize the area, and deodorize the home.

SERVPRO of Media specializes in odor control in the home. If the situation has gotten out of hand, the IICRC-certified technicians have the equipment, advanced cleaning techniques, and EPA-approved products that can make a smelly home clean, fresh-smelling, and healthy.

Contact SERVPRO of Media to learn more about mold remediation and odor removal services for the Broomall, PA, area. The cleaning and damage restoration company can be reached by phone at (610) 566-5720 and by email at

Contact Information:

SERVPRO of Media

119 Springfield Avenue
Folsom, PA 19033
United States

Mike May
(610) 566-5720

Original Source:


Our employees are highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility, to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is well equipped


Mike May
SERVPRO of Media

119 Springfield Avenue
Folsom, PA, 19033, United States


Phone (610) 566-5720


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